Saturday, February 29, 2020
Business Ethics and Sustainability Employee
In the present contemporary professional world it is estimated that an employee spend more than 75% of their time in building interpersonal relations in workplaces, so it can be understood why most of the organizational problems have the root in poor munication skills. The need for employees with effective munication skills is growing in business world simply because it is necessary for building rapport both at the interpersonal and organizational levels. An individual success in professional world truly based on oneââ¬â¢s ability to municate well. munication is an important process as it allows us to share our interest and take important decisions in our personal as well as in professional career. The purpose of this essay is to engage in reflective practice, using 5 diagnostic munication tools and their feedback, so that I can identify two key areas of personal capability which can be improved to increase my munication effectiveness. Lastly, I have sketched a six month action wi th timeline and success measure included. Every individual has different munication style and most of the time the person is unaware about the strength and weakness in his munication style. According to famous business expert and author Mark Murphy, there are four basic munication style and they are Analytical, Intuitive, Functional and Personal. The tools that I have used in this study to access my munication style are Johari Window, munications Styleà Questionnaire, Assertiveness Questionnaires, Interpersonal munication Skill Test and Listening Skills Test. The basic purpose of Johari window tool is for self-awareness and personal development for improve understanding between individuals (Saxena, 2015). In Johari Window, it was found according to the test that it is evident that I am aware that I have a bold and energetic personality and adaptive in situations. Also, I am logical and spontaneous. But I also get self conscious at times. Whereas according to my friends, I am a friendly and approachable person who they can trust and can depend upon but get nervous and tensed when I am in pressure. This tool has helped me to recognize what my view about self and what is the social image I have in friends and acquaintances (Lowy & Hood 2011). Undergoing the test has resulted in better understanding in self awareness. The munication Style Self Assessment test was conducted to strengthen my munication skills and develop my ability to connect with different people with different munication style. According to the test result, I have a balanced score in munication Style Self Assessment. That means I have no problem in expressing myself most of the time but according to situational needs I tend to obviously and honestly convey my needs, requirements and opinions in a way which is thoughtful of others. The Assertive Test results shows that I am a typical self-assured individual, who reasonably let other individual, know my disagreement with them, especially when I feel I am being poorly treated. This trait shows that I have self respect and want others to treat me in that way. As we live in an environment where most of the times people have different munication style and poor munication leads to misunderstanding and chaos. So, the munication diagnostic tools assisted in swift understanding these differences and grow simple strategies to b e an effective and efficient municator. These self assessments will facilitate to understand what really is going on when we experience mi munication at personal as well as professional life. In this test, I found that I have a clear voice when putting an opinion and people mostly get what I try to convey. I have also empathy towards others which helps others in trusting me. But according to this test I have to improve my listening skills.à This will help me to b e more efficient in my munication skills. By this way when I am outlining the impact of their behaviour on others, I am giving them the probability to reflect on their actions and judge on what needs to be improved. This process also facilitates to avoid makin g assumptions which can create confusion and chaos and harm interpersonal relations in workplace (Griffin, 2013). Last by not the list, I took the Listening skills test. According to the result of this test, I found that I do moderately in the listening part. It is a well known fact that in effective munication listening is a significant part as it reduces mi munication, better interaction between the speaker and the receiver, better interpretation of the message and greater productivity with lesser mistakes (Boud, 2013). This test identified that I have patience but sometimes when the situation b es tense, I tend to lose control and b e impatient which is a huge drawback in effective munication. An active listener is always able to municate well with others. According to the above munication diagnostic toolââ¬â¢s analysis, it is evident that I am a Assertive municator. An assertive municator has generally high self esteem and values their time and self (Bishop, 2013). They also strongly promoter for their rights and requirements without disrespectful towards others or otherââ¬â¢s rights. I work as a mechanical engineer in a two wheeler automobile organization. Lately in the past one year, I had two professional interactions and drawing reference from there I have identified some of the shor ings in my munication style. Recently, I had an interaction with my superior regarding work progress and promotion. Also, I had an appointment with the distributors regarding market trends, client feedbacks and what aspects we need to improve in our two wheeler automobile so that we can meet customer expectations. Though most of my attributes in munication style indicates towards being an Assertive municator, I have identified that I need to imp rove and develop my listening skills as well as I should also improve my skills to accept difference in point of view and perceptions. Although I am a good municator with persuading skills, I need to improve my persuasive skills because it is one of the basic qualities that successful all leaders and business person have in mon (Nahavandi, 2016). The word munication can be simply explained as the exchange of beliefs and ideas with the objective to convey information with one another. It is a two way process with the basic objective to exchange and convey an individualââ¬â¢s ideas, beliefs, feelings, opinions and necessities with transparency to arrive at a harmony or a mutually acceptable result. In the present professional environment, effective munication skills are assets of an individual (Ting-Toomey, 2012). It is basically an ability which is mainly b e skilled with experience, but when an individual learns to apply, an effective munication can build long term relationships in professional carrier regardless of defensive adversities. Being an effective municator will support me to b e resourceful while taking initiatives and making important decisions in professional career (Griffin, 2013). Also it will facilitate an individual to participate in team work and engage in effective workplace munication. There are various conceptual munication models which mainly explain the human munication process. One of the basic munication models is Continuous Loop Model, which was developed by assuming that munication is a system or machine (Neuliep, 2014). In this process or system, munication acts as the gear so that the system runs properly. Keeping in mind the Continuous loop model, it is necessary that the two ways process of munication has a swift flow of information so that the basic initiative of information sharing b es fulfilled (Spitzberg, & Cupach, 2012). This process is theoretically correct but in practical when the sender stops sending signals, the process ends. Taking reference from the Continuous model, increasing my listening skill will not only improve my munication skills but also will assists in continuous flow of information in the conversation. An active listener has the ability to understand situation and information better and thus capable of giving more accurate feedback or suggestions Booth, 2009). To explain the concept better we will take assistance of the situation- behaviour- impact feedback tool. For instance in my meeting with distributors, we had a discussion on customerââ¬â¢s demand, market trends and how we can improve the braking system in the two wheeler to meet the customer expectation. I had to give feedback about the meeting to my senior and co-workers. If I had said that customer has a liking for our new two wheeler models showing positive results in sales figure but the brake system needs to be improved. This will only convey the half information about the meeting and details about the improvement needed in the braking system does not convey in the conversation. This clearly creates confusion from the conversation. The conversation does not clearly states whatââ¬â¢s need to be improved and what nee ds sustenance. The model was developed by The Centre of Creative Leadership which helped me to deliver more effective feedback. It focuses on the ments on detailed circumstances and behaviours, and then summarizes the impact that these behaviours have on others. The model details the feedback structure like situation, behaviour and impact. When I followed my feedback according to this pattern my senior and co-workers tend to understand what I was trying to convey them. Active listening also improves the ability to learn new things and accept different perspective for better decision making (Bodie, 2012). In the contemporary business organizations have diverse workforce and we will meet diverse co-workers with diverse perspectives. B ing a good listener or active listening skills will facilitate in learning new things and also people will tend to trust and naturally drawn towards me (West & Turner, 2010). Also, b ing active listener I will tend to b e more sensitive towards plex laye rs of cultural differences in workplace. As a result, I will keep in touch with the progression of cultural change at global level. Although my munication diagnostic test results shows that I am a good persuader but I believe in contemporary professional world, every individual needs to improve their perusing skills as it is needed in every sphere of professional world. Persuasion is the skill that influences others to agree on a mon idea or goal (Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). Without persuasion skill, I will not be able to get the resources I want or I will not be able to municate my unique ideas and abilities with others. Persuasive skill is also an important ability in negotiations which is very important for job aspirants and also for professionals (Armstrong, 2011).On the other hand with the right approach and persuading skill an individual can achieve amazing results and climb corporate as well as social ladder. The contemporary organizations prises of diverse workforce from diverse cultural and socio-economic background (Spencer-Oatey, & Franklin, 2009). So, it is natural that they will e with diverse perspecti ves and viewpoints. Thus, managing those diverse workforces to bring expected ou e from them is one of the major challenges of resent business leaders. As a result, organizations look for potential candidates with effective munication skills, persuasive power and good negotiator (Hargie, 2010). The basic task is to persuade the diverse workforce to work towards a mon goal or idea for organisational success. In the above essay we have discussed about my munication style and the basic skills that I need to develop to improve my munication skill with reference of the Action plan rubric for effective munication in the appendix. Effective munication skill is one of the basic sets of abilities which are required to succeed in personal as well as professional life. It is a well known fact that many jobs in cotemporary market needs candidates with strong munication skills and candidates with good munication skills are preferred. Effective munication skills can be achieved with experience and regular practicing to improve techniques. Choosing right approach, books, websites and training will facilitate in learning of plicated concepts of effective munication.à That is why I have sketched a six month action plan that I that I have followed to improve my munication skills. According to five different munication diagnostic toolââ¬â¢s test result I possess a assertive munication style, the onl y skills I lack are active listening and maintaining patience in munication process. I have focused on parts like listening, eye contact, smile, humility, gestures, and voice modulation. I have taken part in various debates and public speaking programs in college and university level to improve my public speaking. For resources, I have used different online video sources from YouTube and read online articles on munication skills. I have also visited library to gather information about verbal munication skills from different scholarly articles. To b e an active listener I have developed the strong signs of attentiveness and also learned the art of questing and remembering.à I created a plan to improve my influencing skills by developing varies of skills like emotional intelligence and persuasion power. I also tracked my potential benefits by keeping notes on daily basis about occasions where different aspects of my development plan b e successful or not. Keeping tack on the areas I needed improvement b e very useful because it pin pointed the problem areas. I had also tried to persuade different co-workers at professional levels to work on a project. The basic intend was to increase understanding by taking into account how my messages might be received by my co-workers. Working in a multi cultural business organization, I have experienced how mi munication can build organizational conflict. So, improving my munication skill will also facilitate in building conflict resolution skills. Active listening and good municator are two important aspects that a manager should possess to have effective conflict resolution skill. Also, having empathy towards others and accepting different perspective will facilitate in my professional growth. At the end of this assignment I learned the importance of effective munication skills in b ing successful and maintain a positive attitude with a smile. Armstrong, M. (2011).à How to be an Even Better Manager: a plete AZ of proven techniques and essential skills. Kogan Page Publishers. Bishop, S. (2013).à Develop your assertivenessà (Vol. 10). Kogan Page Publishers. Bodie, G. D. (2012). Listening as positive munication.à The positive side of interpersonal munication, 109-125. Booth, W. C. (2009).à The rhetoric of rhetoric: The quest for effective munication. John Wiley & Sons. Boud, D. (2013).à Enhancing learning through self-assessment. Routledge. Griffin, R. W. (2013).à Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Hargie, O. (2010).à Skilled interpersonal munication: Research, theory and practice. Routledge. Lowy, A., & Hood, P. (2011).à The power of the 2 x 2 matrix: Using 2 x 2 thinking to solve business problems and make better decisions. John Wiley & Sons. Nahavandi, A. (2016).à The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson. Neuliep, J. W. (2014).à Intercultural munication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications. Saxena, P. (2015). JOHARI WINDOW: An Effective Model for Improving Interpersonal munication and Managerial Effectiveness.à SIT Journal of Management,à 5(2), 134-146. Shockley-Zalabak, P. (2011).à Fundamentals of organizational munication. Allyn & Bacon. Spencer-Oatey, H., & Franklin, P. (2009).à Intercultural interaction: A multidisciplinary approach to intercultural munication. Springer. Spitzberg, B., & Cupach, W. (2012).à Handbook of interpersonal petence research. Springer Science & Business Media. Ting-Toomey, S. (2012). municating across cultures. Guilford Press. West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2010).à Understanding interpersonal munication: Making choices in changing times. Cengage Learning.
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